Date of Enlistment 23/11/1914
Birthplace Charters Towers Queensland
Next of kin Father, Andrew Haldane, Baddera Lead Mine via Northampton, Western Australia
Occupation Shell opener
Age on Enlistment 21
Rank Private
Unit 11th Battalion, 3rd Reinforcement
Fate INV
Date of Fate Event 11/03/1916
Returned to Broome post WWI Yes
Other Information Was wounded in action in Gallipoli. Serious gunshot/shrapnel wound to thorax. Invalided to England returned to Australia and discharged 16/8/1916. Attempted to re-enlist 1/8/1917 in Broome. Enlistment rejected in Perth 15/8/1917 due to wound to lung.
A Soldier’s Return Home: The spacious verandah at the Institute was overcrowded on Thursday evening, when Broome extended a grateful welcome home to private W. Haldane, Broome’s first returned hero. Private Haldane was fighting at Gallipoli when he was hit by shrapnel, a piece passing through his body. His wounds won him an honorable discharge. The large number of ladies present proved their appreciation of our boys’ efforts to protect our homes. The verandah was decorated for the occasion, and abundant light refreshments were provided. Songs, recitations etc., helped to fill in an enjoyable evening. The Mayor, Mr Archie Male, presided. He said they had met that evening to welcome back the first of those who went away to fight for us, known as Bill Haldane. On behalf of the townspeople and all others assembled he had pleasure in welcoming him home. We wished to show that we appreciated what had been done for us. The obligation we had had placed upon us for the whole of our lives was very much greater than he could express. He hoped the welcome would not end with that gathering, but would be extended to all who had volunteered and those who would in future. Our mark of appreciate should be visible throughout our existence. His Lordship Bishop Trower said we were proud of Private Haldane as one of our boys. So many had gone, while others could not. Haldane in doing his bit had been badly wounded, necessitating 12 months hospital treatment, and he would in future be able to look back with pride on the fact that he was one of the heroes who created Anzac. Right Rev. Father Creagh said it had been given to many of us of late to stand on a wharf and see the best and noblest of our land sail away, and we wished to be with them to share in their gallant deeds. We knew now that the British empire had not produced braver and nobler soldiers than the Australians, and when we read of their deeds we were proud of them. What greater bravery have we had than that shown by the Australians in the landing at Gallipoli? We knew that Haldane had suffered and bled for us, and we thanked him for it, and wished him to tell his gallant comrades (still fighting) when writing that we appreciate what they are doing. There were many, alas! to whom our appreciation could never be shown in this life but they had done their work and died nobly. We could not forget them, and. though no marble tomb marked their grave, an ever lasting monument existed in our hearts. Recently a great appreciation was shown Australia by the appointment of Arch-Bishop Clune as Catholic Chaplain-In-Chief to the whole of the British forces in Belgium, France and elsewhere. In conclusion he hoped they would soon have the pleasure of welcoming home many more returned heroes. Rev. Brady welcomed private Haldane. He had done his duty. Australians had not only helped the empire, but the freedom of the world. After the war Australia would be thought better of the world over. Major Wood thought the church had had a good innings, and on behalf of the secular side he extended a welcome. He trusted private Haldane would live many years to enjoy life.North West Echo, 2nd September 1916